Event box

Student Passive Volunteer Kits (grades 6-12) In-Person

For the month of September, we will be collecting small bags of dog and cat food for the Springdale Animal Shelter. For every 5 lbs of pet food donated, the student will recieve 30 minutes of community service. The maximum hours earned are 3 (30 lbs of food). 

As part of this process, students should write a letter to the library (and Ms. Jen) on the below questions. We strongly encourage the students to have a thoughtful conversation with their families about why it's helpful to donate. 

  1. Why is it important to donate our time or items to our community?
  2. How does it make you feel knowing that you are helping your community?
  3. What other ways can you volunteer to help your community?


Can't donate pet food? That's okay - answer the above questions in a letter for Ms. Jen to participate. Name needs to be on the letter to get credit.

If you need proof of your hours, please contact Ms. Jen at jjohnson@springdalelibrary.org.

Monday, September 30, 2024
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Reference & Information Desk
Age Group:
  Tween     Young Adult  
  Tween     Young Adult  
Registration has closed.

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